Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Blogging Idols

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I can't wait to start sharing my crazy and frantic life with you. Mostly, I'll be writing about my gymnastics life, because that is one of two main parts of my life. I have only written one other blog, which I wrote during my trip to France last summer. I had lots of fun writing it, which I'm sure will be the case with this one. (If you want to know more about me, I will have an "About Me" page up soon.) Needing some inspiration, I looked up a few other blogs. Here are a few of my favorites.

The first blog I looked at was Triple Twist Gym Blog. I was searching for an example of a gymnastics blog, and was slightly disappointed until I saw this one. One thing I noticed is that she explains every gymnastics term and trick so that the audience isn't just limited to gymnasts. This makes it fun for everyone to read. Also, every single post is completely different. They talk about gymnasts at all different levels and from all parts of the world. Having a blog full of diversity is a main goal of mine.

One of my teammates is an amazing gymnast. To add to that, she is also very intelligent, so I looked at her blog. (Living Balanced) Like mine, her blog is oriented around gymnastics. I love reading everything she posts! She has pictures on every post and includes plenty of links to different websites and videos that makes it pretty interactive. I will try to post pictures on every post like her because that makes it so much more entertaining.

Bottle Up the Crazy. Could you have a better name? This blog is absolutely hysterical to read, and is probably the most fun to read out of all three of these. There are pictures, and videos and of course, hilarious stories. The writer is a college student who likes computer sciences and cats. This is the definition of a funny blog, and it would be awesome to come even close to the greatness of this one.

All three of these blogs have inspired me to work hard during my blog journey. I hope to provide enjoyable and fun-to-read posts for you!
