Friday, March 28, 2014

The Complications of Gymnastics (Minus All the Flips and Twists)

Today I had a wonderfully confusing conversation with my coach. She is an official judge for USAG, so she knows all the rules for competing, and what the difficulty is for each skill. Now, I'm going to attempt to explain some of the things we talked about, although I am pretty sure that by the end of this paragraph, most of you will decide that maybe that essay you're procrastinating for isn't so bad, or thinking, yeah, I do have things to do. And I totally get that.

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Pros to Having an Injury

No, this post does not mean that having an injury is all fun and games, and it is definitely not trying to convince you to go and hurt yourself. Please. Just don't. It is simply a post explaining the upside to an injury, so that I can stay positive, and it will be a nice break for my friends because I'm sure they are completely sick and tired of me complaining all the time. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Meet...... My Teammates

My teammates. My obnoxiously weird friends. My competition. My family. No matter what, they're still my best friends. In fact they're pretty much my only friends apart from about seven, give or take a few, who I go to school with. In this post, I'm going to try to introduce each one so that if I ever name them in stories or future posts, you know exactly who I'm talking about. And I just think this is going to be a fun post.

Friday, March 7, 2014

My World of Tiny Accomplishments

You know, aside from being on crutches, not being able to do gym, and my left leg turning into a tiny little stick, one downside to fracturing my tibia is not having anything to write about, due to fact that I pretty much do nothing all day long, all week long. Another sad thing is that right now, I should be in California, getting ready to compete, jumpy and excited from my nerves. Instead, I am here, in Comp Tech, with nothing to do.... *Sigh.

Alrighty then, enough with the self pity party. Here are a few things that become huge accomplishments when you have an injured knee/on crutches.